Month: March 2017

The PortEx Optional Header – Setting Up Memory for Windows Programs

In this write-up, I’ll be presenting part of the Microsoft Windows Portable Executable’s (PE) Optional Header. Why? Because knowledge of the PE format is extremely important for a malware analyst and reverse engineer, plus they’re just plain fun to learn about. The PE headers are often corrupted and otherwise messed with by packers/compressors and other…

Public Wi-Fi

This should be a given, but in case it’s not, do not ever do any banking, purchasing, or other financial transactions on public wi-fi and/or large networks! Note that this is a security blog so when I tell you “do not ever,” I mean 99%+ of the time. If your child’s life depends on some…

Keeping you and your family safe from malware

Malware prevention can be a bit tricky because it can require knowledge which is not necessarily difficult to follow, but may not yet be widespread in scope. If you follow the below advice, you will greatly reduce your chances of contracting malware that leaks your data. Before listing the steps, we will have a brief…

Account/Login Security Tips

I’m going to list out as many tips as I can think of that will help your private information remain as secure as possible. As you may or may not have heard, ensuring 100% security is impossible. But this is somewhat normal – after all, chances are your home has windows which can be broken…

Linked-List Demo via GetAdaptersInfo()

The linked-list is perhaps the most widely known and often-taught data structures to newbie coders. However, it, like many other newbie lessons in software, is often taught completely out of context… ie: struct LL_node{ int some_data; struct LL_node *next_node; }; or of course in a doubly-linked list, we have a previous_node pointer as well. But…


Hello. My name is Todd and I’d like to welcome you to Todd Cullum Research. In this blog, I will be posting my software-related research and development. If you would like to learn more about who I am, feel free to visit the About section. I hope you enjoy your time here and find the…