Author: todd

Account/Login Security Tips

I’m going to list out as many tips as I can think of that will help your private information remain as secure as possible. As you may or may not have heard, ensuring 100% security is impossible. But this is somewhat normal – after all, chances are your home has windows which can be broken…

Linked-List Demo via GetAdaptersInfo()

The linked-list is perhaps the most widely known and often-taught data structures to newbie coders. However, it, like many other newbie lessons in software, is often taught completely out of context… ie: struct LL_node{ int some_data; struct LL_node *next_node; }; or of course in a doubly-linked list, we have a previous_node pointer as well. But…


Hello. My name is Todd and I’d like to welcome you to Todd Cullum Research. In this blog, I will be posting my software-related research and development. If you would like to learn more about who I am, feel free to visit the About section. I hope you enjoy your time here and find the…