Tag: privacy

Why I Prefer DuckDuckGo Search

I have been using DuckDuckGo full time for about two months now, and I would like to share my experience with you. Like other software professionals, I’m a heavy user of search engines and am on the computer all day Mon-Fri for work, in addition to several hours on weekends. I am not an employee…

Thoughts Concerning Cryptography, Privacy, Data, and the Future

Lately I’ve been mulling over some thoughts concerning the future of security, privacy, and how it relates to data records. This post will present some ideas for you if you do not know where to start when it comes to cyber security or are looking for ideas on how to keep you and your family’s…

Privacy – The problem and the solution

Introduction You may or may not know that privacy as we’ve known it is currently under an attack bigger than any the human race has ever seen before, other than perhaps the great flood. Companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and most modern tech companies are recording as much about you as possible. Why? Because it…

The Ultimate List of Services which Respect your Privacy

Herein is a list of services which make an effort to respect privacy and do not sell your data. This list is starting out small and will continue to grow as I receive suggestions and find time to locate more services as well. I will not be posting services that I have not personally checked…